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During the Tamil Nadu Budget speech 2022, Finance and Human Resource Management announced that “Recognizing the low enrollment ratio of girl students" from government schools in higher education, the Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Memorial Marriage Assistance scheme is being transformed as Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance Scheme.
All girl students studied from classes 6 to 12 in government schools will be paid Rs 1000 per month directly into their bank account till uninterrupted completion of their undergraduate degree, diploma and ITI courses. By this, nearly 6 lakh girl students can potentially benefit each year. Rs 698 crore allotted in this budget.
Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar Scheme Guidelines
Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar Scheme Rationale
Women education and literacy plays a vital role for any socioeconomic development of the state. The gender gap in the literacy rate of higher education/ the less enrollment ratio of girl education has been analyzed. Various steps have been taken for motivating the girl education to pursue their higher education.
Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar Scheme Design
Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance scheme is Conditional Cash Transfer that concentrates on girl students who have completed their 6th to 12 standard education institutions recognized by the government of Tamil Nadu, Government of India, University Grants Commission and situated in Tamil Nadu for all recognized courses of under graduation, Paramedical courses, diploma and ITI Courses etc.
Read also: மூவலூர் இராமாமிர்தம் அம்மையார் உயர் கல்வி உறுதித்திட்டம்
Conditional Cash Transfer as incentive
The scheme provide a cash benefit of Rs 1000 per month to be paid monthly to the girl student on DBT mode who have completed their 6 to 12 standard in government schools provided that she is enrolled in any of the higher education institution recognized by the government of Tamil Nadu.
The term higher education encompasses any recognized under graduation of three years/ four years/ five years/ combined PG courses/ diploma/ ITI certificate courses for one / two or three year courses in all streams.
Salient Features of the Scheme
By making financial benefits, conditional upon the girl students, this programme negotiate a behavioral change in the area of higher education of early marriage and low ration of enrollment in the higher education, and retention of girl students in higher education. Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance Scheme therefore envisages empowerment of girls specifically who have passed out from the government schools.
Promotes girl students educational status and instill motivation to the pursue the higher education giving them better foundation in both economic and social spheres including improving gender partially at the higher levels.
Enables the creation and participation of skilled women workforce.
Incentive benefits of Rs 1000 per month beneficiary, enables girl children to pursue education without incurring additional expenses and hindrances.
Enable girl students to get involved in public spaces and enhance career opportunities.
Ensures Socio–economic empowerment of women.
Prevents drop outs beyond higher secondary and increase the retention ratio in higher education.
Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar Scheme eligibility and criteria
All girl children who have completed their education from 6 to 12 standard in government schools of Tamil Nadu and enrolled for recognized higher education courses in any of the higher educational institutions recognized by the government of Tamil Nadu, Government of India, UGC situated in Tamil Nadu irrespective of any reservations viz. Income ceiling, community, availing and other scholarship, etc are eligible.
Girl students completed 8th, 9th, 10th qualification and enrolled in the recognized Diploma / ITI courses are eligible if they have studied in government schools of Tamil Nadu form class 6th standard.
Definition of government schools should mean and include government schools, corporation schools, municipal schools, panchayat union schools, adi dravidar and tribal welfare schools, Kallar Reclamation schools, forest department schools as notified in the Tamil Nadu admission to undergraduate, professional courses on preferential basis to students of government schools act 2021 and students who are admitted under RTE and schools functioning under the control of social welfare and women empowerment department including service homes/government children homes.
Cross border state students shall not be eligible to avail incentive.
Higher education courses should mean and include arts and science, professional courses, paramedical, diploma, ITI, combined post-graduation, etc.
Girl students are eligible to avail incentive for the first higher education course only.
Incentive amount shall be provided for the first three years to the girl students who pursue combined post-graduation courses.
Students who continue their higher education through correspondence courses / distant education courses and any unrecognized institution shall not be eligible for availing incentive under the scheme.
Any number girl children passed out from the government school, from the same family who is pursuing higher education are eligible to avail the incentive.
Aadhaar number of beneficiary is mandatory for availing incentive under the scheme.
Moovalur Ramamirthan Ammaiyar online portal
A dedicated web portal is developed by the Tamil Nadu e-Governance agency for the implementation of Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Institutions through the online for availing incentive under the concept of G2C online as detailed below.
All eligible girl student can create a login in the portal on their own or through the institution.
Girl students can receive the OTP in their mobile for authentication to register in the portal.
Portal displays the applications/registrations form to fill the personal details of the student viz. school, college, bank account, etc.
Portal present the preview of the information/details submitted by the student
Portal indicates the successful registration of the student
Tamil Nadu e-Governance shall maintain and other aspects, regarding the online portal developed for the scheme and to assist the department of social welfare in the implementation of end to end to e-Governance of the scheme
Online application of the girl students shall be verified and approved by the school education /higher education department / bank and forward to the directorate of social welfare for sanctioning the incentive amount to the beneficiary.
Directorate of social welfare can sanction the incentive directly to the bank account of the beneficiary through the IFHRMS/DBT mode
Quantum of Incentive Amount
The amount of Rs 1000 per month shall be sanctioned to all girl students from government schools defined under the eligibility on completion of their respective school education, and entering into courses like polytechnics (1to 3 years course), ITI Certificate Course of minimum one year, Arts and Science Course (3 years degree courses), Engineering Courses (4 years courses), agricultural courses (4 years), medicine (5 years), law and paramedical courses (3 to 5 years) and all other under graduation courses, combined PG courses (eligible to avail incentive for first three years only)
Direct Benefit Transfer
The director of Social welfare shall credit the incentive amount directly to the eligible girl student bank account on direct benefit transfer mode through the IFHRMS.
Based on the application received during the year, budget towards the expenditure is allocated annually in the budget estimate every year.
Administrative cost
Actual administrative cost shall be permitted for the establishment of state programme Management Unit.
Role of Director of Social Welfare
The Director of Social Welfare is the Nodal Officer of overall implementation of this scheme.
Details of recognized higher education institutions and recognized courses shall be collected by the director of social welfare.
The Directorate of Social Welfare shall monitor overall implementation of the scheme including creation of the awareness in all schools and higher education institutions on this scheme.
Role of the various department
The school education / Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare/Backward classes and Most backward and minorities welfare department shall
Appoint the nodal officer towards the implementation of the scheme.
Responsible to integrate the EMIS data of girl students to verify /check automatically as to whether the girl student has studied from 6to12.
Verify physically and confirm the details of the girl students who do not have EMIS number from 6th standard onward, as to whether the student has studied in the government schools.
Shall verify as to whether all girl students enrolled for availing incentive have studied in government schools of Tamil Nadu etc as defined under eligibility criteria.
Disseminate the details of the scheme to the girl students who are appearing for the final year exam to the avail the benefit.
Role of Higher Education department
The higher education department shall,
Appoint the nodal officer towards the implementation of the scheme.
Provide the adequate and timely knowledge of the scheme, its provisions and intent to its students with prominent display boards of the scheme features through the communication materials
Ensure that all eligible girls are assisted in opening no-frills banking accounts, filling up of the application forms and collating certificates of eligibility.
Ensure that all eligible girls are enrolled under the scheme
Ensure the e-processing of applications through their own facilities
Certify every six months in a year that girl students are studying /continuing the higher education in their institution.
Act the first point of grievance redressal, and assist applicants in escalating their grievances through the online grievance redressal mechanism.
Reports cases of bank failure complaints to the state program management unit in time.
Ensure that the head of institution shall maintain the stipulated time limit for rendering the services.
Ensure that nodal officers name and contact details along with email id are available in the portal.
Process flow –single window service delivery
All first time applicants under this scheme for availing the incentive can apply online directly on the dedicated portal developed for the scheme or through their respective educational institution where they are pursuing their higher education.
The portal developed with the utmost care to eliminate any intermediaries between the government and the students ensure seamless transfer for incentive directly into the bank account of the students.
The portal shall be accessible in both Tamil and English language. The portal shall be fully secured and all sensitive details would be encrypted.
All recognized institutions medicines, engineering, agriculture, and animal husbandry, law, arts and science, polytechnic, ITI, etc in Tamil Nadu will be given a unique login.
Individual students can also create their own login in the portal and register themselves for the incentive or educational institution can do bulk entries on behalf their students.
Help desk at each higher education institution shall be established to facilitate enrollment.
The details of students would be automatically fetched from their EMIS number. If the students want to alter any information like bank details, contact information, etc. They can do so through the portal.
Upon receiving the application, the portal would automatically verify the details including Aadhaar and send SMS notification confirming about the registration.
Upon successful verification from the college that the respective student is studying/continuing in the college, the department of social welfare shall transfer the incentive amount to the respective students’ bank account directly every month through IFHRMS.
In exceptional situations where any student does not have an EMIS number, they can also submit their complete details through online portal which would be verified by the commissioner of the school education and forwarded to the social welfare department within 15 days of the receipt of such applications for sanctioning incentive.
After verification bank details, the incentive amount shall be sanctioned to the bank account of the beneficiary by the department of social welfare through treasury on DBT-IFHRMS mode
The incentive amount shall be credited to the bank account of the girl students on 7th every month though IFHRMS.
Robust IT system shall be developed for tracking and monitoring the process for viewing/tracking the status of application online at each stage from entry of the application till sanction. SMS alert with a unique ID number shall be sent during the registration and sanction of incentive.
The students who have difficulty in accessing the portal, can also apply for the incentive through colleges.
If any students has any concern at any stage in the process and sanction, they can raise their grievance directly through the portal under online grievance redressal mechanism.
To monitor troubleshoot on any issues raised in the portal or grievances redressal, the state programs management unit (spmu) established under social welfare department shall handle.
Interdepartmental issues will be sorted out by the SPMU
MIS and analytical reports will be given by the technical team attached with SPMU
Role of Banking Sector – State Level Banker Committee
Responsible for facilitating the financial inclusion of this scheme beneficiers through the zero – balance no –frills banking facilities, monitoring direct bank to beneficiaries, and in ensuring that banks provide complete customer friendly services to beneficiaries.
Provide debit cards to all the eligible girl students so as to draw the incentive through the ATMs
Lead banks details in districts
Ensure that all eligible this scheme applicants are provided with the no-frills zero balance accounts through the simplified account opening application forms and receive full banking services.
Responsible for managing direct fund transfers to beneficiaries based on sanction orders from the director of social welfare and providing fund usage related statements, till alternatives systems are put in place.
State Programme Management Unit (SPMU)
The state programme management unit shall be established under the department of social welfare and women empowerment with regular staff and technical staff on contract pay following due procedures as detailed below.
Deployment from department
Additional director / joint director
Assistant /Accountant
By Outsourcing
Senior consultant – IT – 1
Senior consultant – grievance redressal – 1
Senior consultant - accounts and fund management – 1
The state programme management unit shall
Oversee the day to day activities under scheme. Developing an overall management information system plan and compiling and reviewing reports from districts into a state-wide MIS.
Provide technical and managerial support for the state-wide effective implementation of the scheme.
Issue need-based guidelines, and revisions thereof, for effective implantation of the scheme.
Develop an overall monitoring and evaluation strategy and annual monitoring plans.
Liaison with the Tamil Nadu e-Governance agency to ensure that the scheme portal’s functioning for the effective implementation of the scheme.
Liaison with the state level bankers committee to ensure the fund transfers to beneficiaries are effectively implemented.
Maintain linkages with other state level departments, multi-lateral agencies, NGOs and corporate for effective convergence initiatives.
Ensure that monitoring grievances and technical issues are resolved in a timely manner.
Report periodically to the state steering and monitoring committee.
State level steering committee
Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Scheme
State level steering committee shall
Meet periodically twice in a year at the state level
Provide strategic guidance into the program strategy and implementation of the scheme
Fix the target for entire coverage
Coordinate with line department in service delivery of the scheme monitor, suggest required modification towards the effective implementation of the scheme.
Review and monitor on all matters relating to the implementation of the scheme.
Review and monitor on all matters relating to the implementation of the scheme.
Resolve issues between line departments.
State level monitoring committee
State level monitoring committee
State level monitoring committee shall
Meet once in three months
Coordinate with line department in service delivery of the scheme, monitor, review, and suggest required modification towards the effective implementation scheme.
Meet the requirement on the target fixed.
Promote convergence between stakeholders to ensure the coordination in service delivery of the scheme benefits, and creation of linkages and partnership that will directly of indirectly promote positive outcomes for this scheme beneficiaries.
Review and monitor on all matters relating to the implementation of the scheme.
Consider the bottlenecks faced during the implementation of the scheme.
Reporting periodically to the state level steering committee.
District level monitoring committee
District level monitoring committee
The district level monitoring committee shall review the progress and monitor over all implementation once in a month at district level. The district social welfare officer shall.
Convene the meeting to review the progress once in a month
Be the nodal officer at district level for the effective implementation of the scheme including issuing the need based directives from SPMU are complied with.
Compile and review reports, maintaining a district level MIS.
Update the details in monthly district monitoring format under the scheme portal
Liaison with district’s lead bank to ensure that fund transfers to the beneficiaries are effectively managed and reconciled.
Report periodically to the district monitoring committee and to the state programme management unit.
Ensure accountability through the random physical visits and field verification.
Communication strategy
Extensive awareness through the institutions mass media and society at large about this scheme and its objectives need to be carried out to beneficiaries’ families, peer groups, community and other social networks that support the education of young girls with the long term objectives of economic independence. Bulk SMS shall be sent from the school education department to all girl students mobile numbers attached with the EMIS. Banners with the objectives of the scheme shall be displayed in all higher education institutions.
Online grievance Redressal
Applicants / beneficiaries shall report grievances through the portal
All educational institutions, district social welfare officers, concerned nodal officers and state programme management unit shall be responsible for addressing the grievances immediately.
If any update, need based intervention, inclusion, deletion, etc., government may amend the implementation guidelines from time to time.
Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Scheme GO PDF - CLICK HERE