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TN EMIS Monitoring App Download |HOD'S School Inspection


TN EMIS Monitoring App Download |HOD'S School Inspection

TN EMIS Monitoring App

What does the app do?

App captures and analyses data across four critical parameters

  • Standardized classroom observations
  • Teacher professional development
  • Student learning levels
  • Data corroboration
  • School infrastructure, management observations

Sections in the app:

  • School Selection
  • EMIS & Attendance validation
  • Teaching Learning Process
  • Student Assessment
  • Observation Report
  • HOD Inspection

Flow of The App Components

Flow of The App Components
Flow of The App Components

How to download the app?

  • Open Google Play app in the mobile phone
  • In the search box, type “TN EMIS Monitoring App”
  • Install “TN EMIS Monitoring App”
  • Login with your EMIS User name and password credentials
  • Click “Inspection”
  • Click Classroom Observation

Steps for school inspection:

1. Welcome Screen components

Step1: Select “School Inspection” from the Select the type of visit

Step 2: Enter the school’s UDISE code. To get the school information, Click

“Get School Info”

Step 3: Click “Start” to proceed the inspection

Welcome Screen components

EMIS Data Collection

Step 4: Enter the Student Enrollment and Teacher Position Information by asking the HM for the requisite Data

If there is any mismatch in the data it will show in Red. Discuss with HM Regarding the mismatch and ask them to correct it in EMIS portal

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3. Teacher Selection

Step 5: The name of the teacher to be observed will be given by the app. Select “Yes” or “No” according to the availability of the teacher.

Step 6: If “Yes”, Validate the EMIS number by asking the teacher. If there is any mismatch, enter the actual EMIS number by asking the teacher.

Step 7:Click on start to begin the classroom observation If the teacher is not available, select the reason and proceed to do the student assessment /next teacher in the school.

 Teacher Selection
Teacher Selection

4. Classroom Details

Step 8: Select either Monograde and Multigrade If Multigrade, choose the multiple classes accordingly. If Monograde, select individual class

Step 9: Select the class and medium of instruction - English or Tamil, the subject the teacher is teaching

Classroom Details
Classroom Details

5. Student Attendance

Step 10: Mark the attendance. The present button (“P”) is pre-selected. If a student is absent, then the absent button (“A”) is marked accordingly.

Student Attendance
Student Attendance

6.Teaching Learning process

Step 11: Observe and enter the information on various Teaching Observation questions. Listed below are the teacher observation sections

A. Pre-observation Questions -

Learning outcome awareness, Completion of syllabus, Lesson plan availability, Remediation record availability, Time table usage, Record maintenance

Teaching Methodology
Teaching Methodology

B. Lesson Execution

- Pedagogy questions, Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) usage, Student Engagement, Attention to children with special needs

Teaching Methodology
Teaching Methodology

C. Classroom Management

- Student Engagement, Student Appreciation

D. QR code/TNTP

- QR Code Usage, Tamil Nadu Teachers Platform (TNTP) Access

E. Notebook Verification

Select 3 student notebooks of subject being observed and note down when the last correction was done

Teaching Methodology
Teaching Methodology

7. Student Assessment

Step 12: In Student Assessment, select the Term and unit, the learning outcome will be displayed on the app

Step 13: The list of students will be given, please enter if the student can be assessed or not

Step 14:Ask the question given under the student name and select their answers accordingly

Step 15: Repeat the process for the students in the list and submit Assessment

Student Assessment
Student Assessment

8. Observation report

Step 16:An observation report is generated for that classroom observation.This observation report contains Name of the school, standard observed and learning outcome assessed, Areas of strength, Areas of improvement.

Observation report
Observation report

9. Observe another class

Step 17:Do you want to observe another classroom - If yes, will proceed to the next teacher; If no, the observation ends for the school

Observe another class

10. Previous observation report

This section gives information about the previous observation of the teacher The information in this report is particularly about the recurring areas of strength and areas of development which will appear when the teacher has been observed for more than one time.

11. Submit observation

After submitting, data cannot be edited or changed.

12. Attendance Verification (Other Class)

Step 18: Select Class and section to verify attendance. Verify if the listed student is Present or absent

Attendance Verification
Attendance Verification

13. HOD Inspection

Step 19:Observe the academic, infrastructure and management aspects of school and fill the HOD inspection section

Step 20:Click “Save” to complete the school inspection module.

HOD Inspection
HOD Inspection

TN EMIS Monitoring App PDF - Download Here

HOD'S School Inspection PDF - Download Here